Newbie Patrol
Troop Guide:
Patrol Leader:
Assistant Patrol Leader:
Patrol Scribe:
Patrol Quartermaster:
Patrol Members:
Adult Mentors:
Troop 145 is excited to welcome the newest members of our troop who have just crossed over from Pack 145!
Don't forget to bring those Scout Handbooks to every meeting. We will be working on Scout, Tenderfoot, 2nd and 1st class ranks. New Scouts will also have an opportunity to begin earning merit badges.
Journey Steps
To help new Boy Scouts and their parents navigate all the requirements of Scout, Tenderfoot, Second and First Class rank as well as prepare for Brown Sea Island (BSI). There is now a helpful guide to this new Scouting Adventure along with tips for learning the patrol method available for downloading and viewing under Join Scouting on the About Us webpage! Check-it out!
Please refer the "Troop Uniform Explanations" on the Documents & Links webpage. Webelos bridging over should already have an official BSA tan shirt with the council and world crest patches sewn on. All Cub Scout awards, except Arrow of Light, should be removed. They should have already received the neckerchief, slide and handbook at your ceremony. At your first Troop meeting, the Troop will be collect orders and money for the green shoulder loops or epilates and numerals. Once a patrol name has been decided, the first patch will be provided free of charge from the troop.
This patrol is responsible for coordinating the Interpatrol Activities on the FOURTH Monday of each month. Give your handbooks to ASM in charge of Advancement on this 4th Monday to be synchronized with Troopmaster to insure all requirements are recorded and rank earned.
Always check the Announcements page for troop-wide announcements.