Troop Calendar
FYI - No-Shows at Troop Activities
A lot of work goes into Troop activities planned outside regular meeting times. In order to make events more enticing to scouts and hassle-free for parents, there has been more emphasis on signing up in advance. If a scouting event requires money, there is now a request for advance payment. While some activities may be free, there are many preparations based on the number of scouts signed-up by a deadline. If there is illness or emergency, please contact the organizer or Scoutmaster by phone ASAP. If a scout changes his mind, a phone call will be needed within 24 hours with the understanding that he may incur costs of his absence. Bottom line for a Troop that is 35+ members-strong: when a scout signs up for an event, he should be committed to that pledge, be prepared, and prompt while knowing that information is always available by website, email, and phone.
FYI - Absences at Troop Meetings
Boy Scouts promotes boys being good students and enjoying extracurricular activities. Should sports, church, lessons, etc., along with illness occur on a regularly scheduled Monday Troop Meeting, be sure to contact your Patrol Leader, MB Counselor, Scoutmaster, mentor, etc. by phone or email. Then, check your email and the troop website for the latest information. Troop 145 wants every Boy Scout to achieve success, and communication is a key to that endeavor.
FYI - Meeting/Activity Cancellation Policy
If MCPS is closed for scheduled holiday/break, there is no Troop Meeting. If inclement weather has closed MCPS for the entire day, there is no Troop Meeting. Early dismissal of MCPS due to weather, the Scoutmaster will make a decision related to safety of travel to a meeting and will have Patrol Leaders phone each Boy Scout of any meeting cancellation by 6:00 PM. Any campout or other troop activities on non-school days that require cancellation will result in a website posting, emails, and possible phone calls. Frequent checks of email and the troop website, along with updating contact information with the Troop, are recommended. Your first resource is always your patrol leader: keep his number handy!